
Sussex County Ladies' Golf Association Ltd

County Match Week 2024

County Match Week takes place annually against Hampshire, Kent, Middlesex and Surrey. In 2024, County Match Week was held from 7th - 10th July at North Hants GC in Hampshire.  Daily reports and results table below. Our thanks to the team and spectators who came along to support.

County Team Selected for 2024 (* pictured below as not present for official photo):

  • Chloe Briance, Bognor Regis
  • Emma Carberry, Pyecombe GC
  • Holly Crompton, Dyke GC*
  • Katie Field, Bognor Regis
  • Sasha Gardiner, Chartham Park*
  • Maddy Harris, Dyke GC*
  • Karen Sykes, Worthing
  • Suzanne Taylor, Bognor Regis
  • Heather Tidy, Bognor Regis
  • Sara Whittaker, Willingdon
  • Georgia Young, Cowdray Park


Day 3 Report

Wednesday morning dawned cloudy but dry as we prepared for our final match at County Match Week. Everyone was in good spirits as we sat down to breakfast at the golf club.  Still in with a chance to win the event but we would need a 4 -1 win against a very impressive Surrey side.

First off in the Foursomes were Maddy Harris and Karen Sykes. Karen started well with a great shot onto the green, whilst the opposition weren’t so fortunate. Maddy then put the next shot close so that our pair completed the hole in 3 and went 1 up. A good start.

Next to tee off were Emma Carberry and Heather Tidy. Emma put Sussex on the green whilst Surrey found the greenside bunker. A great bunker shot by Surrey saved their match to half the first hole.

Finally, the three singles matches commenced with Katie Field, Holly Crompton and Sasha Gardiner. All three girls played well but so did Surrey, so it was going to be a very tough few hours as the girls battled valiantly.

There was some fantastic golf to watch and when holes were won, they were usually to birdies. Sadly, the Surrey girls proved too much for Sussex this year and we lost 4 -1. Very well done to Sasha for completing her win on the 13th hole 7 and 5. Katie battled well to get to the 17th green but the superb play by the Surrey girls proved just a step too far this year.

In the end Sussex finished in 2nd place of the five counties, which gives us great hope for the future. The team spirit was second to none, and after the formal presentations there were several amused faces from the rest of the counties when presents, hugs and thank yous were shared around the Sussex table at the end of the day. Maybe it was some of the rather unusual presents that they were admiring!

Thank you to Hannah Ralph from Cowdray Park who stepped in at the last moment as team advisor, and to Jane Covey, the Player Development manager for her support. Our thanks also to Pat Codd our County Captain and Margaret Brown, Vice Captain, for making all the arrangements for the week. Lastly, our thanks go to Bali Basson, County President, for supporting the team everyday and taking her turn at Starters duties on the second day, and to all the caddies and supporters who turned up to watch, sometimes in atrocious weather.

On a final note, just as we left North Hants the sun came out!

Day 2 Report

After a fantastic start to County Match week with a win of 4 ½ to ½, spirits were high, especially after a lovely meal at a local pub. Having watched the rain fall all evening and well into the night, we were trepidatious as to what state the course would be in. We needn’t have worried, the green staff did a great job preparing the course and must have been up at the crack of dawn squeegeeing the greens.

Sussex were the first match out against Kent.

The weather, although not great was at least dry to begin with but no sign of the blue sky we would have expected in July. The matches were all very tight at the start, with the exception of Emma Carberry who stormed ahead giving us our first victory of the day, winning 7 and 6 on the 12th. 

Slowly the rain started once more and Chloe Briance and Heather Tidy were next to finish, losing to Kent 3 and 2. Katie Field was unable to match her comeback of yesterday, losing her match on the 15th.

Maddy Harris and Karen Sykes were all square after 16 holes, and despite a tee shot veering into the rough on the 17th they recovered well to halve the hole. Sadly the 18th was to prove a hole too far and Kent won 1 up.

Our final match of the day was Sasha Gardiner who stepped onto the 18th tee 1 up. Reaching the green in 2, her opponent found the green side bunker, took two shots to get out and conceded the match giving Sasha the win, 2 up. 

Our afternoon match was against the host county Hampshire. Our hope of better weather waned as black clouds started forming in the distance and gradually the light rain turned to heavy showers. Slowly some of the greens started to flood and the cavalry were called in. Several greenstaff were seen out on the course with their squeegee mops trying to sweep away the water. No sooner was one green cleared and a respite from the rain given, when another downpour appeared.

Despite the weather everyone battled on, and our first result of the afternoon came from Karen Sykes and Emma Carberry winning 4 and 3. Next to finish was Chloe Briance and Heather Tidy who took their match to the 18th green but sadly lost 2 down. 

Everything was now down to our 3 single matches. Holly Crompton was the first in, with a loss on the 17th however, Katie Field held off her opponent to win 1 up on the 18th. With everything hanging on the last match, Sasha Gardiner didn’t let us down winning 3 and 1. What an exciting end to the day.

Well done once again to Team Sussex.

Day 1 Report

County Match Week this year is being hosted by Hampshire at North Hants golf club. Home of Justin Rose

The weekend didn’t start very well, with some very dark clouds overhead as we approached the golf club. Upon arrival, the heavens opened and it was a 20 min wait in the car before we ventured into the clubhouse. The shot gun start for the practice session was delayed, but finally the sun came out long enough for the girls to get 9 holes in before thunder and lightening stopped any further play.

Monday morning started bright and sunny for our first match of the week against Middlesex. Everyone was up early, and after a wonderful breakfast at the club we were all raring to go. 

Leading out Sussex were Chloe and Heather, who started with a win on the first hole. Next off was Karen and Maddy, to complete the two foursomes matches. Following the foursomes were Emma, Holly and Katie, each playing singles matches, ably supported by their caddies Georgia, Sara and Suzanne.

It was all very exciting but wonderful to watch such lovely golf. By the half way stage we were up, down and all square, so still lots to play for. Our first win of the day was Chloe and Heather who secured a win of 3 and 2. This was closely followed by Karen and Maddy, who went to the 17th for their win 2 and 1. In the singles matches, Emma went to the 17th to complete our 3rd win of the day 2 and 1, closely followed by Holly who won 1up at the 18th. The comeback of the day must go to Katie who never gave up, and came back from 4 down to half her match on the 18th.

What a great team and credit must also go to Hannah Ralph for stepping in at the last minute to act as our team coach for the week, and also to Jane Covey for managing the player development for Sussex.

Great start team. Go Sussex.

Day/Time 1st Match 2nd Match
Monday 8th July AM Hampshire v Kent 2.5 - 2.5 Middlesex v Sussex 0.5 - 4.5
Monday 8th July PM Surrey v Hampshire 5 - 0 Kent v Middlesex 2 - 3
Tuesday 9th July AM Sussex v Kent 2 - 3 Surrey v Middlesex 4 - 1
Tuesday 9th July PM Hampshire v Sussex 2 - 3 Kent v Surrey 2 - 3
Wednesday 10th July AM Middlesex v Hampshire 2 - 3 Sussex v Surrey 1 - 4

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