Sara Whittaker (Willingdon) runs the Seniors Scratch League (Mulligan Larsen). The Seniors Scratch League enables ladies in the infamous over 50s club to participate in matchplay against Essex, Hampshire, Kent, Middlesex and Surrey over the summer months. Ideally for players who have handicaps between 1 and 8, Sara knows that Sussex offers many enthusiastic, competitive players and she will contact those individuals who fit the bill.
Deborah James is the Team Manager for the Seniors Friendly Matches. These matches are designed specifically for the over 50s with a handicap of 12.1 or less. The format is 4-Ball Betterball (4 pairs) off handicap, against Berkshire, Hampshire, Kent and Surrey. Every season there’s 2 home and 2 away matches.
I would welcome any new ladies who are eligible, we are a friendly group of players and all enjoy these matches played on lovely courses. If interested, please get in touch with me by email and I will try to give everyone at least one match.