SCLGA Competitions Director / Board - Vacancy
The current SCLGA Competitions Director, Sue Rushworth, comes to the end of her term in November 2025. We are seeking a replacement who could start to shadow Sue early summer, with a view to taking on the full role in November.
Please see below an outline of the role. If you might be interested and would like to know more, please contact Sue Rushworth the Competitions Director via email or telephone on 07802 288137 or Margaret Brown, the County Captain by email.
This is an opportunity to join the SCLGA Board as Competitions Director.
Responsibilities include:
How much time commitment is required?
There are committee meetings and board meetings 6 x per year (run consecutively), plus the Delegates Meeting and the AGM. Once all the competitions have been set up, you will lead the two major competitions in the diary. You will answer emails as and when they come in from club managers, or ladies section representatives. The workload can fluctuate throughout the year.
What is the most challenging aspect?
Ensuring that everything is set-up correctly on IG to enable the Competitions committee to run their respective competitions successfully, and to source venues for each event. Making sure that there is something for everyone that pays an affiliation fee to SCLGA.
...and the most rewarding part of the role?
Knowing that you have done your upmost for all the clubs, large or small, within the county of Sussex – providing competitions for all players whether elite or beginners to golf. There is always plenty of support from your fellow competition committee members and from the County Captain, County President and County Vice Captain. Meeting some lovely people and watching our very best golfers within the County playing. The players are always friendly and really appreciate the work County put in.
This role is for a three year term of office with an optional two year extension.
Closing Date: Friday 25 April 2025